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A Kelabit - English Dictionary: G to L



A to F

G to L

M to R

S to Z

Comments, additional entries, bouquets and/or brickbats on these pages !
  • Blust, Robert (1993). Kelabit - English Vocabulary, Sarawak Mus. J. Vol. XLIV, No. 65 (New Series).
  • Amster, Mathew H. (1995) - Kelabit/English English/Kelabit Glossary, Rurum Kelabit Sarawak, Kuching.
Click on a highlighted Kelabit word to hear how it is pronounced
gabar (? = gaber) picture
gagap startled
gerawat tangled, complicated
ibal some
iban parent-in-law, member of the iban tribe
idan when
iko you
iyo peranih small knife used for cutting padi during harvesting ? is this one word or two; ? io = knife
jaga' watch
julung prow of a canoe
kadi' because
kail strong (person)
kanid cousin
kapal thick ? = aeroplane, ? = ship - both borrowed from Malay
kapeh how
karar slanting, aslant
kareb (1) can, permitted, allowed, able, capable
kareb (2) suitability, compatibility with desire, fit,
kerid vegetables (generic word)
ketian thread ? borrowed from Malay
kikid porridge ? = vegetable soup
kinanak brother or sister
kopi coffee ? borrowed via Malay usage, or directly from English
kukur ? Spotted Dove (specifically) or just a generic word for a pigeon
kulat (1) mushroom, toadstool
kulat (2) wake up
laak (1) year
laak (2) ripe, cooked
la'al chicken
laam sour
laba pass by
labor (? = labo) meat
lakuh type of Kelabit song
laled black housefly
lalid ear
laman pasture for buffaloes
lepo hut in the jungle one uses when travelling, temporary shelter, ? = granary ? lepo pade = granary 
lipang padi husk ? lipang pade = empty padi grain (no grain inside)
liwet tree top
luang fish
luang pelian ikan semah
ludek mud

21st August, 2003.