If you wish to make any donations or have any ideas for activities, please contact us ator you can contact any the committee members!
Design and conduct management training workshops.
Collect sand and stones at the hydro site for upcoming civil works
Re-wire the lights in all houses in the community (we need to change all lights to energy saving bulbs)
Perform welding and welding inspection during upcoming civil works
Spread the word; write articles for local newspapers, company newsletters etc
Get other societies involved eg: Rotary club, Lion's club etc
Contribute photographs and articles to the project website
Help to organize events such as golf tournaments, dinners etc
Hold local fundraising activities such as recycling campaigns, bake sales, carwash etc and donate the proceeds to the project
Encourage each Bario Asal / Arur Layun family to donate RM 1,000.00 into the project account
Source transport for materials from Miri to Pa Berang
Host volunteers who come and work on the project
*we are looking for innovative ideas on how to raise funds for the project.For example, Babu Sanggaran @ Balang Naban and family are organizing a musical performance, the proceeds of which will be donated to the project.
designed & maintain by nicholas sagau.drop me a line at
24th November 2006 Fundraising golf tournament and dinner at Imperial Hotel, Miri.
4th December 2006 PACOS second visit to Bario, Watershed Management Program workshops, further site surveying and marking.
24th December 2006 Groundbreaking ceremony, hydro site, Bario. Kerjasama to build intake gabions and weir and excavate reservoir
25th December 2006 Muli Mikak Bawang in Bario Asal & Arur Layun, joint Christmas celebration (organized by the Bario Asal & Arur Layun youth)
ongoing works: Site preparation; collecting building materials, clearing path for PVC pipes, re-wiring all lights to energy saving bulbs, preparing for Watershed Management Program workshops